Saturday, September 25, 2010

you're gonna miss this.

You're gonna miss this.
You're gonna want this back.
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast.
These are some good times.
So take a good look around.
You may not know it now.

But you're gonna miss this.

you may be wondering, 'who are these crazy girls in this picture?' well, that would be me and rachel singing 'i dreamed a dream'...glee style at the top of our lungs. i got to thinking lately after seeing the lyrics to this song. you're gonna miss this. isn't this sentence true all too often. the grass is always greener on the other side. we're always wanting something we don't have and then when we have it we want something else. yet, why not enjoy the life you have instead of wishing away your today's for tomorrow's. so love the life you live!

also, i came across this article in the newspaper a couple weeks back and i really loved it. it just gave me the extra boost i needed. see for yourself...

"You know how it is when you’re feeling good.
A piece of your brain gets all cocky and starts thinking that maybe THIS time you’ll just keep right on feeling good. Forever!
From here on out, baby, it’ll just be sunshine and lollipops.
Then one day you feel the blues bite like a cold wind picking up in the alley behind your house.
And boom.
It’s Blue Déja Vu all over again.
Sometimes the blues hit because you’re just wired that way.
They come and go, come and go without much rhyme or reason.
Other times you turn all blue because you’ve lost something — a friend moves, a job doesn’t material ize, a dream dies.
Go ahead. It’s your turn now. Feel free to fill in the blank, because we’ve all been there."
*deseret news

So what makes you feel happy? Here's a few of the things that make me happy right now.

* re-watching old episodes of psych.
* jamba juice, friends, and a playground.
* president monson's conference stories
* the temple
* do it yourself magazine
* seeing old friends

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